A big, warm, Scottish welcome NVR2L8.
Thanks for posting your story. It was a good read, and I enjoyed it.
I was a third generation born-in, baptised at 15 or 16 (can't remember exactly), married my still-in wife in 1971. I was then still 19, she was 20. We celebrated our 39th anniversary in 2010. I was an MS, then elder, regular pioneer, etc. Never gave talks at any assemblies as I refused to shave my beard off, much to the continual annoyance of the CO and DO. I suppose I've always been a bit of a rebel at heart. Had a great laugh that I was only permitted to go out to give public talks at congregations that had a beard tolerance!
DAd myself in 2003 - having researched the WTB&TS I realized that I was in a nasty cult. Probably a lot of this started due to my learning about critcal thinking ability while studying for an MBA (Marketing) degree in 1994/5. My feelings of guilt were huge for being such a complete fool to have been so stupid to have been conned by the WT, and corrupted our 4 sons with the same nonsense. Fortunately our 4 sons woke up even sooner than me, and are all well out of the cult, living good, productive lives. Only my wife clings on, however tenuously. It is still really difficult to realize that she is just 'trapped in the mind-control world of JWs'. I live in hope - maybe one day, she'll join me and discover freedom, and the real responsibility of being a decent human without the need for any god or religion.
lifelong humanist